late in the evening, right after going out from my LAST OD (organizational development) class,
i was like...
"wow! dats it!"
we are reaching the end tip of our semester =) *hoorrray hoorray*
this whole week was the toughest and lotsa up n down things happened to me.
it really was a roller coaster week! *sigh*
despite struggling in completing the academic stuff,assignments thinggy, i was running here and there preparing for the HRD dinner - the sway n stupid cupid dancing- , and last night the day where all the BRC JPK meeting planned for BRC open day...much more to do on dat...well, just leave it for time being..ehehes =P
final exams is around the corner n frankly speaking i am not ready yet! k fine blame on me
well at least i have given my full commitment to do the best the whole semester...carry mark so far ok n im hoping to do d best for my exams.still have ample time to prepare. *saja to make myself feel relief. ahaxs*
well, lets do some reflection then...
1. I was bit regret coz i didnt make it to meet my target to attend all my classes!! especially Tnd since Joleen got FREE pendrive, 4G lagi tu for her outstanding achievement..aaargh! jealous =P
*the bitchy that doesn't harmful to human being*ahahahaa
how bout make it next sem?? sounds good huh??? k go me,go me~~
2. skipped 1 whole week classes cos i was having flu, coughing etc.i have to be isolated but then im back home to prevent further spreading of viruses which i guess im having ILI dat time,not H1n1 ok?! heeeee
pity me and en experience to sit for statistics exam wearing mask!! luckliy i get through it =) *pat myself on my back*
3. this sem marked me being as one of the college committee members which bit tough for me since it need full commitment. but i promise myself to give my full effort as Exco Kesenian & Kebudayaan. im handling events that going on for my college and i did set up an extra committee under my exco which are divided into few category as traditional dance, modern dance, cheers, band, dikir barat and the list goes on...
4. as members of BAYU(Badan Budaya Unimas) i feel sorry because i did not join for festari MAKUM 2009 at UKM =(
i purposely did not join for this BIG event coz i dont think i can give my full commitment and i need extra focus to my study but hey! i still do LOVES dancing soooo the very much! ^.^
5. im getting used to VARSITY lifestyle where i need to catch up things and the best thing is u learn to prioritize besides stay focus!!
but most of all i realize i improved a lot and i hope the coming semesters will give me more experiences, chances so that i am well develop to unleash the real stephanie fossillian~~ *wink wink*